Prep time: 10 min
Cook: 10 min
Ready in: 20 min

This easy yet delicious pizza is just a fun recipe to make at home to switch things up. When you pair some gourmet focaccia bread with cheesy goodness and tasty sauce, what can possibly go wrong?

On a trip to our local farmer’s market, I noticed a bread shop that was selling a truly jaw-dropping variety of expertly made, gourmet bread. We picked up a variety of croissants, some sourdough bread, and most importantly for this recipe, herb focaccia. Even though any type of focaccia would work I highly recommend herb focaccia if you can find it because it pairs so perfectly with the pizza theme.


  • Focaccia Bread sliced into halves to make the crust thinner (and of course to double the amount of pizza)
  • Mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • Tomato Sauce (store-bought or homemade)
  • Sliced Onions and Jalapeños (You can add any other veggies you want as well)


1First, preheat your oven to 450°F. Add the sliced focaccia in the oven just for a couple of minutes to toast it up nicely while the oven is preheating.


2Next, take your toasted slices focaccia and add on the sauce. Next, layer the onions, jalapeños and/or other veggies and then layer on the cheese as well.


3Finally, add the pizzas into the oven and bake until the cheese has melted and the crust is nice and golden brown. Keep in mind a few burnt bits just add complexity to the flavor so don’t be worried if parts of the pizza burns. Now just enjoy your simple and delicious meal!

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I'm Aadit B., a student at Fremd High School and an all-year-round swimmer. My dream is to become the best cook I can and to use my skills to hone my diet as an athlete and make me even better at what I do.


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